Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Three Weeks Old

I do not plan on blogging during every week of the girls lives, but I thought all would enjoy an update and of course some new pics. The picture above is taken close to feeding time as you can tell they are searching for a nose or something to latch on to!

The girls are doing great! They are growing more and more each day. Gabby is holding her head up really well and Olivia has mastered breastfeeding. It could all change tomorrow...I notice things every day and then suddenly the tables will turn. They weight about 5.5 lbs now and are growing like crazy. They are both very long and about to be out of premie outfits that still swallow them, but are too short! They got another bath yesterday from my good friend Jill, so the pics show a much calmer bath time...


1 comment:

  1. They get cuter with each new picture I see. :-) And oh-my-goodness - all of their HAIR! It'll be no time before they are all dolled out in their bows and dresses. My boys are fun, but I'll miss getting to do that. I love it and think it is HILARIOUS when they are hungry and open up those little mouths like a baby bird - Gabe latched on good to my nose the other day as I was trying to give him kisses. LOL! They are precious. Keep the pictures and updates coming. (I guess I really should do a new update too, huh?)

