Thursday, May 21, 2009

Southbound 35

The girls will be four months old May 27th! Hard to believe how time has flown and really all we have accomplished in four short months! I have gone back to work, finished my addition at the office and added two massage therapists, Garcia Lawn Service is fully loaded and in over their heads and have managed to get two little girls sleeping through the night! Yes, you read right...SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT. Now, I know the dangers of posting this for the world to see. It may all change from this day forward, but just so we all know it can be done!

We are heading to Austin, TX tomorrow for a wedding. My dorm-mate from Texas Tech, Tiffany is taking the plunge. We are leaving the girls with Olga and Jennifer for the whole night and staying at a resort on Lake Travis! We are super excited about getting away and super anxious trying to make everything just right. Pete is just excited because Wade Phillips will be at the wedding too!!! I, on the other hand, cannot seem to calm my nerves about making sure I did everything so they can have an easy time. I am surely forgetting a crucial detail.

The girls are smiling up a storm and Olivia has even started laughing a little. They roll over quite a bit and Darlin can get them to play with their toys. I have started the search for a part-time nanny. One of my part time employees at the office is not taking summer school, so I have until the end of summer to find a nanny. How do you find a nanny? There are nanny-finding services! Oh yes! So I am sure I will blog later on this!

OH yea! I got the girls ears pierced on Sunday! They behaved fantastic! Olivia was asleep, so we did her first. Obviously woke up beforehand, but she was great! I was really nervous about high maintenance Gabby. She did fantastic and actually went right to sleep afterward! You can see the "diamonds" in the pictures!


  1. HOW ADORABLE !!! Sleeping through the night is FANTASTIC !! Just knock on some wood real quick :)

  2. They are just precious!! Have fun at the wedding!!! Enjoy yourself!!!

  3. sweet girls! they are blinging just like mommy! who is wade phillips? probably a coutnry singer, huh?
