Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sleep Blogging

Here is a funny pic we ran across on someone else's Facebook!

Well the girls are asleep and I am finding some valuable time to get some things done around the house. I find myself thinking of all the things I need to do away from the house, but in I must stay because my little angels are taking their afternoon nap. We have tried to organize a morning nap and an afternoon nap. This proves very hard to do in the life of a shopaholic! My book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" specifically says that sleeping in the car or in the car seat while the car is in motion is NOT considered a nap. WHAT? I can understand the logic I suppose, the motion keeps us in a lighter state of sleep and we are crankier later...but when are we supposed to shop? Whether it be for groceries, flowers, clothes or toys, we must stay moving!

We made a small road trip to the big small town of Waco, TX last weekend. We attended an outside wedding on Suspension Bridge, where Olivia has a small breakdown. We also, had to leave the reception early because she was still mid-breakdown. We retreated to the hotel room, where she nursed for an hour straight just to get over it. On Sunday we met our very good friends, Cody and Brooke Lewis and their children for breakfast and asked them to be Gabrielle's God Parents. They graciously accepted and we are so excited to have them in the girls lives.

This weekend it is back to the ranch...yes, another roadtrip! My Uncle Benny and Aunt Peggy are in town from Costa Rica, where they live permanently now. Very exciting to see them. Many of you know, Benny is a Chiropractor and yes, I am looking forward to getting adjusted daily while I am there! Actually, the entire Benson clan will be there. My parents and all of my mom's brothers. This will be the first time in quite a while.

Everything is just wild at the office these days! I am such a lucky girl to have so many patients that love me!! They sure missed me while I was gone and shower the girls with compliments and gifts everyday! Business has been wonderful and we have added a Massage Therapist to the office and hope to add another one this Monday. That is all for now....this is the longest blog yet!


  1. the girls are looking absolutely gorgeous !!! you have to be the busiest person i know !

  2. i DO consider snoozes in the car as a nap :) nate seems happy after he sleeps in the car! SHOP ON!!!

  3. Yay for mullets! They always bring a smile! :)~
